Many designers think graphics are the flash and sizzle of a Web site, and too many of them feel text is the boring stuff marketing gives them to stick on the page. This attitude can lead to sloppiness, and sloppiness can lead to design mistakes.
Text mistakes can have a disastrous effect on the appearance of a Web site, and poor text incorporation is the second most common manner of screwing up Web sites. To effectively communicate, text must be simple, clear and easy to read.
From its earliest origins, HTML focused on content over style. Authors were encouraged to provide high quality information, and leave it to the browser to worry about presentation. While use of HTML with its related attributes produce acute presentation effects, cascading style sheets (CSS), when judiciously applied, bring consistency and order to Web documents.
Cascading style sheets (CSS) allow us to control the presentation attributes for all the elements in a document or a whole collection of many documents from a single master style sheet. Our professionals can create cascading style sheets (CSS) to manage the overall look of your Web publications — backgrounds, fonts, colors and so on.
Style Elements
At the simplest level, a style is nothing more than a rule that tells the browser how to display a particular HTML element. Each element has a number of properties associated with it whose attributes define how that element is rendered by a Web browser.
We create rules to define a specific value for one or more properties of an HTML element. For example, most elements have a color property, the value of which defines the color used to display that element. Other properties include font attributes, line spacing, margins and borders.
There are three ways we attach a style to a element: inline styles, document-level styles and external style sheets. One or more style types can be used in your Web documents. The Web browser either merges the style definitions from each style or redefines the style characteristic for an HTML element's contents. Styles from these various sources are applied to your documents, combining and defining style properties that cascade from external style sheets through local document styles, ending with inline styles.